Thursday, December 9, 2010

Unofficial Art blog

I know you all want some weird smile from here is a creepy/weird/awekward smile from me with the Green Gates Nursury's owner who is also my tutor. Ok...yay! Since this is an unofficial update, no word of the blog in case you have been following it and have been reading my blog, which is not in most of your cases. Ha.

wow I need a haircut..

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Art blog #6

Soo...sixth blog update I guess? this has been a long week for me. Well, for most of us I guess. But I finally got through this week, and I'm pretty happy about that, although I'm still not looking forward to the next two full weeks. Well, better to live in the present than think too much abouthte past right? Ok. Good. Life is good as they say.
To be honest, I have no idea what I have done this week again. This is kind of sad since I have said this kind of thing again. I did finish that "demeaning" paper proposal for Dr. Hoppes, and managed to finished two more applications for college. Some accomplishements I guess? They are for USC and UC Berkeley. I don't even know if I'm going to get in. Sad. Not good.
Well today was actually pretty exciting for me. Well, for Andrew and me to be exact, but since he has done this before, I will exclude him out of this (sorry Andrew..haha). This is the first year for me to mentor and coach elemtary school kids in lego robotics and have them participate in the FLL tournaments. It was really fun actually to see the kids grow overtime and learn as they go. And it was also fun for me to just hang out with those kids after school sometimes and just have them do robotics. Well, today was the tournament and our team won the robot design award, which was really exciting for me, becuase I never expected that. Oh well, robotics is over, so I guess I will move on with my life then. I will definitly miss those kids some days though as they have been a pretty big part of my school year now. Thanks to all those participants and parents and especially Mr. Haymann for making this happen and gave me a great experience in both teaching and robotics.'s almost 12. Soo..I need to hit the hay as they say.
Good night!

Word of the blog:機械